Esercizi corsisti
(5) Present Continuous
(6) Genitive Saxon
(7) Aggettivi Possessivi
(8) Aggettivi Possessivi e Genitivo Sassone
(10) AT, UNDER, ON (Prepositions)
(12) Moving Verbs
(13) Regular Nouns' Plural
(13) Irregular Nouns' Plural
(15) What's the time?
(16) Future: Present Continuous
(17) Past Simple
(17) Paradigma dei Verbi Irregolari in assonanza....
(17) Parlando al passato, al presente e al futuro.....
(18) Present Perfect Continuous
(18) Present Perfect
(19) Storia del "NOT"
(19) Negative Present Perfect Continuous
(20) First - Last - Later
(21) Interrogativa
(22) Interrogativa col Past Simple
(22) Interrogativa col Present perfect & Perfect Continuous
The Human body
(22) Present Perfect Continuous negativa
(23) Still - Yet
(24) Start & Stop - Begin & Finish
(24) Present Simple
(24) According to the knowledge.......
(25) Let us talk a little English now!
(27) Here - There - This That - These - Those
(27) Pronomi Possessivi
(28) Pronomi Relativi
(29) Comparativo di Maggioranza
(29) Comparativo di Uguaglianza
(29) Comparativo di Minoranza
(29) Superlativo Assoluto dei Bisillabi
(30) Let's talk once again: what do you say, man?
(32) Superlativo Assoluto dei Polisillabi
(35) Do not get lazy!
(37) Which preposition am I supposed to use: "in" or "on"?
(39) 1) Occhio all'aggettivo che precede o segue: "at" - "in" - "to" - "of" - "as" - "from" - "with" - "for" - "about"
(39) Alleniamoci ancora con "1)" e "2)"
(39) 2) Occhio all'aggettivo che precede o segue: "at" - "in" - "to" - "of" - "as" - "from" - "with" - "for" - "about"
(40) Let us talk once again!
(41) Pronomi Personali Soggetto e complemento
(42) Imperativo
(42) Will and Shall as Future
(42) When and if
(43) May or Can?
(44) Past Continuous
(45) Can you talk now for a while?
(45) According to the knowledge.......
(46) Some and Any
(46) A little - Much
(47) A lot of - Many - A few
(47) plenty of - enough - too many - too much.
(48) Past Perfect Simple
(49) Unless - Although
(49) Risposte del quiz Unless - Although
How long - How far - How short - How big - how often
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